Countdown Clock

10 July 2008

Rules and Regulations


Rules and Regulations

These are the rules and regulation which all participants must follow in this program:

  1. The competition is open to all UTP students (except only the HICOM, Executive Committee and Treasure Hunt committee of Convofair 2008) and staffs; except the Treasure Hunt committee. The participants must register as a group of 3 or 4 persons (maximum). Participants can use car/MPV/4WD or such as a treasure hunt vehicle.
  2. The judgment is based on total points for correct answers and the fastest time to come at the checkpoint. All participants have to pass by the entire ‘checkpoints’.
  3. If more than one group has the same highest mark, the winner will be based on the shortest time for a team to report at the final checkpoint (location will be told).
  4. The questions will be given on the same day before the competition starts.
  5. Any objection will be referred to the Treasure Hunt High Committees. Objection must be told 30 minute before the result announces and RM 50 (non refundable) must be slipped together with the objection.
  6. The organizers are not responsible for any participant’s injuries, and lost of belongings during the competition and after the competition.
  7. All team must bring back the proven items (treasure) which they got or purchased during the event. All items must be well-keep and for the items which are lost or damaged, the team will not get the points.
  8. All teams must complete the activities provided. Otherwise, they will not be able to continue to the next point.
  9. All expenses like petrol cost and tolls are the participant’s responsibility. The sponsors/organizers are not responsible for the participant’s expenses. The participant will be given only items/breakfast as stated in the brochure.
  10. The drivers must follow the road rules and regulation as stated by the authority like having road tax and approved driving licenses. Summons from the authority are participant’s responsibility.
  11. The results are final. The organizer may change the rules and result with or without prior notice if necessary. The detail about the competition will be briefed 2 days before the competitions and before the starting of the competitions.
  12. The organizer has the right to change the prizes with other prizes that has the same value as the previous one.
  13. All players are responsible of their own safety.

09 July 2008

Paperless Treasure Hunt

How To Read Tulips

Click on the image for bigger size

Recommended Items To Bring

Click on the image for bigger size

Tulips Legends

Click on the image for bigger size



A (ANSWER) Jawapan.
Jawapan mestilah ditulis dengan kemas dan lengkap dengan menggunakan pena berdakwat. Sebagai contoh anda diberi panduan (clue) berkaitan dengan “raja” dan anda berjumpa dengan papan tanda “Elvis Enterprise”, anda mestilah menulis nama sepenuh dan bukannya hanya “Elvis”.

B (BRIEFING) Taklimat.
Beri perhatian semasa taklimat terutama mengenai acara dan pendekatan bentuk soalan. Sekiranya anda tidak faham, tanya.

Adalah mustahil untuk suatu kumpulan berjaya jika ahlinya asyik bergurau senda dan merapu di dalam kereta. Sekiranya di laluan yang tiada soalan, penumpuan perlu kepada soalan seterusnya untuk membayangkan apakah jawapannya.

D (DOUBLING-BACK) Berpatah balik.
Kadang kala perlu berpatah balik untuk mencari jawapan. Harus diingat sekiranya anda berpatah balik walaupun hanya sekali, anda telah melalui tiga kali di laluan yang sama. Sekiranya anda dan kumpulan anda masih tidak mendapat jawapannya, eloklah meneruskan perjalanan. Secara amnya adalah suatu langkah yang betul anda bergerak sehingga ke laluan terakhir sebelum berpatah balik.

E (ENYCLOPEDIC DICTIONARIES) Kamus, pembendaharaan kata.
Bahan-bahan bacaan sebegini akan membantu anda semasa mencari jawapan. Seeloknya setiap seorang ahli kumpulan ditugaskan untuk satu tugasan atau penyelidikan. Adalah sia-sia jika bahan-bahan rujukan ini dibawa tetapi tiada yang menggunakannya.

F (FOOD) Bahan makanan.
Pencarian jawapan kadang-kala memakan masa. Dengan bekalan makanan yang cukup dan sesuai akan mengelakkan kumpulan anda dari membuang masa untuk kerap berhenti mencari makanan.

G (GROUNDWORK) Persediaan asas.
Adalah penting terutama kepada yang pertama kali menyertai acara sebegini untuk berbincang dan mengenal-pasti keperluan yang perlu dibawa. Sekiranya anda ke Pusat Membeli Belah, cuba bayangkan benda yang berkaitan dan mungkin akan dicari dalam bentuk harta.

H (HIDING) Sorok.
Kumpulan anda mungkin telah mendapat jawapan dan harta yang betul sedangkan kumpulan lain tidak. Berhati-hati dan sembunyikan jawapan serta harta, jika tidak kumpulan lain akan mendapat jawapan dan harta tanpa bersusah payah.

I (INTERACTION) Pengkongsian pendapat.
Kumpulan yang berjaya adalah yang sentiasa berkerjasama. Jika anda fikirkan anda mempunyai idea untuk mendapatkan jawapan atau harta, jangan takut untuk menyuarakannya. Tiada orang yang mengetahui segala-galanya, jadi kerap berbincang lagi bagus.

J (JUNCTION) Simpang.
Perlu diingatkan bukan semua simpang, lampu isyarat dan sebagainya dinyatakan dalam buku laluan (tulips), dan ianya mustahil untuk dimasukkan kesemuanya. Adalah penting kepada pemandu dan pembantu pembantu (navigator) untuk mengenalpasti simpang dan sebagainya yang betul seperti dinyatakan dalam buku laluan. Jika tidak pencarian anda akan sesat.

K (KNOWLEDEGE) Pengetahuan.
Satu kumpulan yang bagus terdiri dari ahlinya yang mempunyai latar belakang dan pengetahuan yang berbeza. Begitu juga dengan minat dan pengkhususan bidang yang tertentu.

L (LETTING GO) Keputusan menyerah.
Membuat keputusan untuk meneruskan perjalanan setelah gagal mendapat jawapan atau harta tertentu adalah satu skil penting yang perlu dipelajari. Mungkin akan ujud percanggahan di antara ahli kumpulan sama ada untuk meneruskan perjalanan atau terus mencari jawapan. Adalah penting untuk dilantik seorang ketua kumpulan yang akan membuat keputusan apabila ujud suasana sebegini.

M (MANAGEMENT) Pengurusan.
Setiap kumpulan diperuntukan tempoh masa tertentu untuk mencari jawapan dan harta. Menghabiskan masa yang banyak pada permulaan laluan akan menyebabkan kesuntukan di akhir laluan. Setiap kumpulan mestilah pandai membahagikan masa masing-masing.

N (NOTING DOWN) Mencatatkan semuanya.
Kadang kala walaupun setiap ahli kumpulan telah bekerja keras tetapi tidak juga mendapat jawapan yang sesuai. Adalah disyorkan agar setiap ahli mencatatkan apa saja yang terlintas yang terlihat supaya boleh dipertimbangkan kelak semasa di laluan yang tiada soalan.

O (OBSERVATION) Pemerhatian.
Selain dari memahami soalan, pemerhatian juga penting untuk mendapat jawapan yang betul. Perhatikan sekeliling dan tidak semestinya hanya kepada papan tanda yang besar sahaja. Satu kebiasaan yang bagus jika diucapkan apa yang anda lihat kerana ada ahli kumpulan yang lain yang tidak lihat apa yang anda lihat mungkin boleh memberikan jawapannya.

P (PUNCTUALITY) Ketepatan masa.
Dengan menepati masa semasa melaporkan diri untuk bermula, kumpulan anda tidak akan terlepas apa-apa maklumat terakhir yang mungkin akan dimaklumkan oleh penganjur. Biasanya kumpulan yang lambat tidak bersedia selengkapnya. Ketepatan masa ini juga perlu semasa jamuan makan malam dan penyampaian hadiah dan di acara-acara rasmi yang lain.

Baca setiap ayat dengan teliti. Setiap ayat boleh memberi panduan. Analisa soalan dan cuba memahaminya. Sekiranya anda masih tidak dapat menganalisa soalan, melihat jawapan di sekeliling anda mungkin boleh membantu.

R (RESOURCEFULNESS) Sumber maklumat.
Pertolongan boleh diperolehi tanpa mengira tempat. Kadang-kala pemilik kedai kopi boleh membantu atau budak kampung boleh menolong mengenalpasti bunga atau yang sebagainya yang betul untuk harta carian. Jangan malu untuk bertanya. Bagaimanapun perbincangan sesama kumpulan yang lain tidak dibenarkan.

S (SAFETY AND SIGNAL) Keselamatan dan lampu isyarat.
Keselamatan adalah keutamaan dalam setiap acara. Anda berada di jalan raya awam jadikan pastikan anda mematuhi undang-undang dan peraturan jalan raya. Pemandu mesti menumpukan pemanduannya. Pemandu mestilah memberikan isyarat sama ada untuk memperlahan kenderaannya, berhenti atau membelok.

T (TULIPS) Panduan laluan.
Tulips adalah panduan laluan yang perlu diikuti untuk setiap kumpulan memulakan acara dari tempat permulaan hingga ke penamat. Biasanya panduan untuk membaca tulips diberi semasa taklimat.

U (UTENSIL) Peralatan.
Peralatan asas untuk menyertai acara sebegini ialah selain dari pengelihatan yang baik dan akal yang panjang ialah alatan menulis, kertas dan papan pelapik untuk setiap ahli kumpulan selain dari pemandu. Bagaimanapun alatan seperti pengetip kertas, cecair pemadam dan sebagainya juga adalah berguna jika dibawa bersama.

V (VEHICLE) Kenderaan.
Tanggungjawab kumpulan masing-masing untuk memastikan kenderaan mereka naiki mempunyai cukai jalan dan insuran yang sah dan bagi yang memandu turut mempunyai lesen memandu yang sah dan belum tanpa tempohnya. Kenderaan yang bermasalah semasa acara akan menyebabkan banyak masa yang terbuang begitu sahaja dan boleh menyebabkan kumpulan yang terbabit tidak dapat meneruskan acara.

W (WORDPLAY) Permainan kata.
Kebanyakan soalan adalah hanya permainan kata oleh pembuat soalan. Ianya mungkin cantuman suku kata, tambahan atau pengurangan huruf dan sebagainya. Cuba kenalpasti setiap punca kata yang terdapat dalam soalan yang diberi.

W (WORDPLAY) Permainan kata.
Kebanyakan soalan adalah hanya permainan kata oleh pembuat soalan. Ianya mungkin cantuman suku kata, tambahan atau pengurangan huruf dan sebagainya. Cuba kenalpasti setiap punca kata yang terdapat dalam soalan yang diberi.

X (XEROX). Salinan.
Biasanya dalam setiap acara hanya satu set soalan yang diberi. Berkongsi kertas soalan yang sama mungkin boleh mengelirukan anda. Masalah ini boleh diselesaikan dengan membuat salinan photostat.

Y (YAWNING) Menguap.
Ini biasa dilihat jika acara bermula seawal pagi dan boleh menyebabkan hilang penumpuan semasa acara. Masuk tidur awal pada malam sebelum bermulanya acara.

Z (ZERO-TRIP) Reset kosong pada spedometer.
Ingat bukan semua simpang dinyatakan dalam buku laluan.? Dengan sentiasa mereset kosong pada spedometer sebaik sahaja sampai ke setiap tulips, anda akan mendapati kumpulan anda berada di laluan dan tempat soalan atau harta yang betul.



Baca dengan teliti dan kaji soalan untuk mendapatkan jawapan. Jawapan mungkin secara terus tanpa selindung atau paling hampir (sekitar 50 meter) di dalam Buku Panduan. Contoh-contoh tulips adalah seperti Papan Tanda, Papan Kenyataan, Tanda Arah dan sebagainya. Anda boleh tulis di mana-mana kertas sebagai draf tetapi jawapan akhir mestilah ditulis dengan dakwat dalam Helaian Jawapan.


Baca dengan teliti dan kaji soalan untuk mendapatkan harta karun. Harta boleh didapati sama ada dibeli di kedai berhampiran pada harga tidak melebihi RM 5.00 setiap satu atau secara percuma pada lokasi yang ditunjukan pada jarak tertentu (sekitar 50 meter) di dalam Buku Panduan atau boleh didapati di mana-mana dari Tempat Permulaan sehingga Tempat Penamat. Untuk harta percuma, sila pastikan anda mendapat keizinan dari pemilik harta sebagai contoh buah dalam kawasan kampung. Anda bebas untuk menggunakan kebijaksanaan anda untuk mendapatkan harta ini dan hendaklah menulis namanya yang betul di dalam Helaian Jawapan dan serahkannya serentak (atau sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam soalan). Tiada markah diberi jika tiada harta dicari, salah atau hilang. 20 markah untuk setiap harta yang diserahkan betul dan nama harta yang ditulis betul dalam Helaian Jawapan. SEMUA HARTA DAN HELAIAN JAWAPAN MESTILAH DIMASUKKAN KE DALAM KERTAS PLASTIK BERNOMBOR. Kertas plastik bernombor ini akan diserahkan kepada peserta di Tempat Permulaan. Jika tidak diberi, peserta dikehendaki menyediakannya sendiri.

Tidak berwarna, tidak berbau, tiada rasa dan tidak bernama




A is for Answers. It is important that all answers are neatly written in ink and in full. Example, although the clue in a question relates only to the word "Elvis", and you come across a signboard reading "Elvis Enterprise", you should write down the complete name instead of just the word "Elvis". No marks are awarded for incomplete answers.

B is for Briefing. Pay attention to what is said at the briefing, for that is where details concerning the Hunt and instructions for tulip reading and how to approach questions are given. Sometimes, even vital hints and information are dropped. If you are uncertain about anything raised at the briefing, ask.

C is for Concentration. It is impossible for any team to do well if team members are constantly joking and fooling around in the car. In sectors without questions, time should be spent discussing forthcoming questions so that the team will be prepared to tackle the question when you arrive at the right sector.

D is for Doubling-back. Sometimes it is necessary to double-back in a sector to find an answer. But remember this: doubling-back just once means that you would have traveled along the same sector three times. If the team cannot still see the answer after so many attempts, it would be advisable to continue on the journey. Generally, it is also good policy to travel to the end of the sector before doubling back.

E is for Encyclopedic dictionaries. Thesauruses, fact books and all other reference materials that you think that will help you in a Hunt. They should be brought along and made easily accessible in the car and, if possible, at least one team member should be delegated with the job of research - it is pointless bringing reference materials if no one wants to look at them.

F is for Food. A treasure hunt trip can be long one and a team should stock up food and drink so that constant stoppages for something to eat and drink are avoided.

G is for Groundwork. Prepare for the Hunt. It is a good idea, particularly in newly-formed teams, to have a pre-Hunt discussion to identify who is to do what. If you need a specific book, find time to get it. When you next go to a supermarket, look at items with the Hunt in mind - who knows, you may be identify key words on a wrapper that you may relate to a treasure!

H is for Hiding. Your team may have solved a treasure that other teams have not. Be careful and discreet when you pick up treasures, otherwise your rivals may get the treasure without doing the work!

I is for Interaction. Doing well in a Hunt requires teamwork. If you think that you have figured out an "angle" to the question or treasure, do not be afraid to voice your views. No one knows everything, so the more discussion, the better.

J is for Junctions. Remember that not every junction, traffic light or side-road is indicated in the tulips, it is sometimes impossible to do so. It is crucial that the Navigator and Driver keeps track of the distance between tulips so that the correct junction is identified, otherwise you may end up heading in the wrong direction.

K is for Knowledge. It goes without saying that all questions in a treasure hunt is based on some facts or the others. Although usually the knowledge required is of the general type, a good treasure hunting team should consists of members having wide range of interests and good memory power, sometimes for the most trivial of things!

L is for Letting go. Knowing when to give up looking for an answer is an important skill to be learnt. There may be arguments within a team as to whether the team should give up or continue looking, so it is sometimes a good idea to appoint a team leader to make this decision.

M is for Management, in particular, of time. As each team only has a prescribed time to complete the Hunt, it is important that the team has an overview of the entire journey. Too much time spent trying to find answers at the start of the Hunt may end up with the team having very little time to get the answers at the closing stages of the Hunt.

N is for Noting down. Sometimes, no matter how hard the team tries, it may not be able to pin down the answer to a question. In such cases, it may be a good idea for the team to just jot down whatever they can see for consideration in sectors where there are no questions.

O is for Observation. Apart from understanding the questions, this is the other most important skill that team members must have. Look everywhere - answers need not necessary be on major signboards - and keep looking - there could be "red-herrings". It is a good policy to read out what you see - your team-mate who has not seen it may suddenly tell you that is the answer!

P is for Punctuality. Being punctual when you check in at the start of the Hunt means that you will not miss any last minute instructions that the Clerk-of-the-Course may provide. In addition, late-comers are likely to be flustered and not in a proper frame of mind to tackle the Hunt. You also must be on-time at the prize giving ceremony and at the others official functions.

Q is for Questions. Read each question carefully, each word can be a possible clue. Look at the question from various angles and try to identify the key words. If you cannot get a grip on the question, looking for the answer will be much tougher.

R is for Resourcefulness. Help can be found in the most unlikely places. Sometimes the coffee-shopkeeper may be able to give you valuable information or the "budak" in the "kampung" may be able to tell you where to pick up a flower for a treasure. Don't be shy or afraid to ask, but remember that collaboration between teams is a definite no-no.

S is for Safety and Signal. By far the most important rule in any Hunt. You are on public roads so ensure that you comply with traffic rules. Drivers should concentrate on driving and make it a point to draw to the side of the road when driving slowly and looking for answers. The driver must apply the correct signaling for every vehicle movement to slow, stop or turn.

T is for Tulips and also for Treasure. Tulips are navigational aids and when the Hunt flags off, each team will be given pages of tulips which will indicate the route to be taken. They should be held by the Navigator in the team who will read them and give the instructions to the Driver. Instructions as how to read tulips is usually given at the Briefing.

U is for Utensils. The basic tools you need for a Hunt, besides your eyesight and your brain, is surely pen, paper and clipboard, preferably one for for each member of the team, apart from the Driver. However, you may find it useful to bring a stapler, liquid paper, etc. along.

V is for Vehicle. The onus is on each team to ensure that the vehicle they travel in is a road-worthy condition, with valid license and road tax. Having a breakdown in the middle of the hunt results in valuable time being lost and in all likelihood, the team being unsettled.

W is for Wordplay. Many questions are nothing more than the Clerk-of-the-Course fooling around with words to try to trick you. It could be in the form of an anagram, removal or insertion of letters, etc. Identifying the key words in the question, try juggling the words yourself and you may yet figure out the answer!

X is for Xerox. In some Hunts only one set of questions is given to each team. As having to share this among team members can be disconcerting. Making photocopies can solve this problem.

Y is for Yawning. Be assured that you will see this happening in your car, as most treasure hunts starts quite early in the morning and can be both physically and mentally taxing. Go to bed early on the night before the Hunt.

Z is for Zero-trip. Remember what was said about the tulips not showing every junction, side-road, etc. in a sector and the importance of keeping track of the distance? The means of doing so is for the Driver to keep tripping "zero" as he reaches each tulip. When distance and tulip matches, you will know that you are on the right track.



Read the questions and analyse them carefully to arrive at the answer. Answer may be obtained straight forward or close and related to the “tulips” from location marked by concerned millage (plus minus 100 meters) inside the Route Book. Eg. of tulips - Sign Posts, Billboards, Land Marks, etc. You can write anywhere as a draft but the final answer must be written in ink, in the Answer Sheet. 10 points for every right answer and deduct five (5) points each for each additional answer given for each question.


Read the clues and analyse them carefully to arrive at the answer. Treasures can be obtained either by purchasing at the nearest shop at the prices less then RM 5.00 each or F.O.C at the location marked by concerned millage (plus minus 100 meters) inside the Route Book or may obtained from anywhere from Main Time Control Start to Main Time Control Finish. For F.O.C items, please make sure you get the permission from the owner of the items, eg. fruit at the villager compound. You are free to use your ingenuity to obtain them as long as you write the correct answers in the Answer Sheet and hand them in intact (or as stated in the clue). No point will be given if no item is collected or wrong or missing. ALL TREASURES AND ANSWER SHEET MUST BE PUT INTO THE NUMBERED PLASTIC BAG. This numbered plastic bag will be provided to all participants at the Start Point. If not given you must prepare yourself.


There are many type of clues in treasure hunt questions, and more are being devised every day. Just to give you an idea, here are a few of the more common ones.

OBSERVATION - Seen as it is.
Answer - “JUST DO IT” tagline on NIKE sign

TRANSLATION - Sometimes the word “local”, “common” is added to show it’s in Bahasa Malaysia, but not always!
Answer - “KAMPUNG KLUANG” because “KLUANG”is “BAT”.

GENERAL KNOWLEDGE - Based on prior knowledge.
Answer - “TIGER MART” at ESSO.

ANAGRAM - The letters are scrambled. Clues to look out for; crazy, mixed, fooling around, lost, confused, upset, kacau, gila, sesat, etc.
Answer - “UCP” because UCP is “cup” scrambled.

SPLITTING - Two separate words appear as one.
Answer - “USMA” because “MA” is after “US”.

INITIALS - The initials of the words in the sentence spell the answer.
Answer - “EON”.

KANGAROO WORDS - One word is found inside another.
Answer - “CONCORDE HOTEL” because you will see “CORD” (string) is in “CONE”.

INSERTION - Add letters or number. (Gee = g, Ass = s, Al = I, Tea = t, etc.)
Answer - “K-MART” because “KAY” is “K” and “YOU” is “U”, U+K = UK (oversea)

SUBTRACTION - Take away the specified letter(s).
Answer - “HYGENA KITCHENS” because you’re asked to “LOSS GRAVITY” is to remove “G”, if you do this to “HYGENA” you get “HYENA”.

HOMONYMS - a.k.a. “Sound like” because the answer sounds like a word or phrase in the clue.
Answer - “SYARIKAT BEE SENG” (sound like “bising”).

ROMAN NUMERALS - The roman numerals for 1,000 are often used in clues.
Answer - “MAXIS” because if you take away X (=10) from “MAXIS” and you’ll see SIAM in reverse.

Question - “Tasteless, Colourless, Smellless, and Anonymous”
Answer - “Mineral Water with “NO NAME” brand.


Route Map

Click on the image for bigger size

2008 UTP Convo Fair Treasure Hunt

Committee Members

Committee Members


Mohd Syazwan Hafiz Bin Abd Aziz 017-9534360

Zalinawati Binti Zakaria 017-9160842

Muhammad Amin Bin Azhari 012-2283094